origin Gallery

REJELL x climate change

Origin 1 of 1

In our collection are ten unique 1-of-1s. Holders of a 1-of-1 photograph will not only support the Climate Change Fund in a substantial way, they will also be sent a large format print of the artwork as well as the photo-negative.

Origin Editions

The images of our collection come as an edition of 100 each. Holders will support the Climate Change Fund and also receive a link to a high-resolution, printable file of their purchased artwork.

What are NFTs?

NFTs are all the rage now, as we’re sure you’ve noticed. Yet, we are looking beyond the hype of expensive jpegs. Instead we want to create digital art that inspires and thereby support good causes, shaping a positive future. All the nitty gritty stuff is in our FAQ.

Want to join our community?

If you’re spreading the word about what we stand for, then you’re supporting the good cause! Follow us on Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn or Instagram to connect with us and see what we're up to.